You're helping us make Wantless into a better game
This is the place to post any suggestions you might have for the game, be it features, changes or improvements. Bugs, however, should be reported via the in-game "Report an issue" button, or mentioned on our Discord server.
Before suggesting, please make sure to follow these rules:
- Suggestions should be written in English.
- Check for duplicates before posting.
- One ticket, one suggestion. If you have multiple ideas, feel free to create multiple tickets.
Thank you for your support and ideas!
It would be nice, especially for new players, if there was a way to reread term definitions and mechanics I.E. what Stability is or how resistances work
Chain form
A 'Chain' or 'Bounce' form, which targets N additional allies/enemies, selecting the closest target within range for each bounce. A given unit can only be targeted ...
Under consideration
Auto-pickup for any memories/treasures on objective complete
minor QOL thing where we can jst extract on objective complete without having to stay just to pick up the remaining memories/treasures
Under consideration
Better Efficiency Variety
Currently, the high AP variants of efficiencies are virtually impossible to use as the downside is simply too significant compared to the benefits. Some possible ...
Under consideration
Hosting patients for the night
Let us host a patient for the night, keeping them for the next day, in case we're interested in transposing multiple patients at the same time.
Under consideration
Tooltips on hovering over resources
Tooltips should be added when hovering over the resources explaining what it is and it's purpose (like the tojkens and the purple shard thingy). Tooltips should ...
The ability to lock items in the shop
The ability to keep specific items in the shop across a few days, in case something nice shows up at a time when I don't have enough currency.
Under consideration
More Innar Choice Variety
Innar is a cool mechanic, but only being able to sacrifice health and buy items/resources feels limiting.
I remember being able to spend Awareness on room clear ...
Under consideration
More boat tracks / music
Add one or more cycling music tracks to the boat. A lot of time is spent on the boat, so I think its important.
Under consideration
Let us see rewards from inside the transposition
Once we're in a transposition we can't see what the transposition's reward are.
You are "screwed" if you don't remember and can't decide if it is worth if to go ...
Under consideration
Lock or Reroll Specific Modifiers
Would be nice to have some way to lock desirable modifiers on my journey to creating the ultimate synapse. Alternatively an option to reroll only specific modifiers ...
Add ability to see what possible modifiers can roll on a synapse.
Would be nice to see what modifier can be rolled on a synapse and what the requirement are for it to be the case!
Under consideration
Batch fusion button for catalysts
Its quite tedious to click fusion for the still -> silent catalyst upgrade multiple times since theres a bunch of animations and popups in between. Would be quite ...
Improve re-spect mechanic so that we do not lose crafted skill made with Eclectism/Vision
# The problem
Right now the only way to re-spect is to have all sills point refunded.
This is problematic with Eclectism/Vision because once we lose them, skills ...
"Read All" button for synapses/gear
Minor QOL thing, some sort of button to mark all new items as viewed, akin to the one in the log.
Especially when you get further in, you get things fast and it's ...
Under consideration
Continuous synapse fusion reroll
rerolling takes alot of time because you need to reselect the synapse again, and theres also a lot of menus and animations in between. would save alot of time if ...
Deeler's Shop
Its UI/UX is rather inconvenient - ex. you see that he sells Poison I 31-45. Can you answer a question "Is that synapse actually better that the ones I have in ...
Under consideration
Gear Fusion
On paper, since equipment largely uses the same rarity/tier system as synapses, it could feasibly work with most fusion options. This would lead to more build ...
Quick Play/"Roguelike" Mode
(obviously not an immediate need but could be a fun side-mode much later on).
A mode that gives you a random smattering of tier-appropriate synapses/gear/mind tree ...
Under consideration
Don't change name and icon of skill automatically (while forging)
Provide a way to lock the name and icon of the skill while I'm editing it. Maybe I just want to change the order of the synapses or substitute one synapse for a ...
Quick Purchase Option in Shop
Once endgame is unlocked and the high enhance levels can be consistently and quickly finished mass purchase of synapses in the shop for fusion fodder becomes quite ...
Under consideration
Allow to change/try different nodes of mind-tree in Simulation
Allow to freely modify mind-tree in Simulation. Maybe, maybe-not, allow the player to have max points for simulation. It's very costly to have to 5 Ponder Shards to ...
Under consideration
Undo last turn
An ability to where you can undo your last turn if you make a mistake I feel the game is far too punishing if you missclick or make a slight tactical error...
Under consideration
Please Show Line of Sight for Destination
When using a movement skill, or when simply moving, PLEASE allow us to see the line of sight zone that our character will have when arriving at the destination. I ...
Under consideration
Grief-Stricken Effect Synapse
An effect synapse that creates a debuff on an enemy. If any enemy (without the debuff) dies, the subject of the debuff takes a large amount of Grief damage (because ...
Under consideration
Clearer and more reliable triggering of the Cruel Tri-Perpetuation efficiency synapse
Skill refresh for the efficiency synapse that makes skill available again upon direct kill does not reliably trigger even when kill icon was present and direct kill ...
Under consideration
Reduce the number of identical synapses required to upgrade quality from 4 to 3
Requiring 4 identical synapses to level up the quality of the first puts too strong a damper on progression of upgrading synapses. Lowering that to 3 would allow ...
Under consideration
Reduced enemy health regen from effects like foul ground and feast
Enemy health regen, particularly from tile effects like foul ground (5% of max HP per tile) and abilities like feast (full regen) can scale and add up so much faster ...
Faster animations
Option to speed up all animations. Turns take a long time when we have 5+ enemies that acts...
'Organic' Area of Effect Reputation gain
Everytime we gain X Reputation in one Town, we will gain 10% of X in up to 2 (previous and next) adjacent Towns; this passive area of effect is soft-capped to prevent ...
Under consideration
Fusion discovery guide
Some kind of in-game guide for discovered fusions would be nice. A lot of the fusions have upgrade paths that seem completely random, so it's not very intuitive to ...
Under consideration
Sort items by recent
Just a way to sort items by recent so you can sell quest items quickly when you're just trying to max out reputation.
Under consideration
Don't dismantle skills when upgrading one of their synapses
Currently skills only remain intact when their synapses are upgraded if you have the skill selected and go immediately back to it upon upgrading. Changing this so ...
Mind Tree planning mode/view
It could be interesting to let the player "chart the course" of the path he wants to follow in the Mind Tree. I often forget what I was working towards and remember ...
Under consideration
Ship system influencing item acquisition
Addition of a ship system that offers the ability to increase/decrease the probability of acquiring specific synapses.
Under consideration
The narration of the stories and the main story, should be done in a comic strip format. This will help with the immersion, and will share some more details about the ...
Under consideration
Shield Break Effect Synapse
Simple suggestion: an Effect Synapse that deals typed damage (Pain, Fear, Grief) but only to Shields. It could have better damage scaling or efficiency than other ...
Under consideration
More control on Ally movement
Something like Mark but allows you to specify which Summon its for. Or, to change order of summon attack order.
Under consideration
Equipment Sets
Just like there are skill sets and mind trees, it would be nice to be able to swap to a saved equipment set to go with the skill set and mind tree.
Under consideration
% based damage or healing likely should have different rules for bosses or elite enemies.
Currently, burning ground / foul ground apply equally to all targets. This creates a problem because it means any long fight can quickly become impossible because a ...
Under consideration
Let Coolown factor in Efficiency
Currently in EA v 0.1.701
Problem :
The Efficiency is off balance:
High AP cost is compensated by reduced Discipline and very low Efficiency bonus
For and ...
Under consideration
New Grief-damage affliction "Envy" that damages on healing
Synapse for new affliction called Envy that deals grief damage whenever the caster gets healed. Would allow even more complex combos with Drain, Fragilize, ...
Under consideration
Low performance/Battery saver mode
An optional setting that minimizes visual effects and removes/simplifies some animations. Mostly for lower-end computers and maximizing laptop battery.
Under consideration
Irrevocably disconnected
It impossible to tell which minion in a room with 4 that has cast this on me and I dont know which one to kill first. I quite often die as I have kill 3 others which ...
Not planned
Add a Swap Effect that switches positions with an Entity
Wouldn't it be cool to swap positions with an entity so we can setup some brutal AOE/Aerials with our Isolation builds?
Synthesizing duplicate synapses should retain rarity
A little surprised this hasn't been offered but I find it odd that synthesis resets the rarity to common. It feels like the system should allow parallel upgrading as ...
Under consideration
Transparency of all tooltip windows - HUD.
The option to set the transparency of all tooltips and labels, especially during battle, would be very helpful. I would also consider scalable windows an improvement.
Under consideration
Highlight or sort synapses which synergize with synapses already loaded into the Neural Forge
QoL - On loading an Effect Synapse into the Neural Forge, perhaps the Form and/or Efficiency Synapses which have a quality-based synergy could be highlighted in some ...
Under consideration
Item rewards for mission achievements
Accomplishing side objectives like Diligent and Surgeon (clearing the room in 1 or 2 turns) or the one for winning without taking damage, could reward items ...
Under consideration