It would be nice, especially for new players, if there was a way to reread term definitions and mechanics I.E. what Stability is or how resistances work
Comments: 5
13 Nov, '23
DeadersAgreed, some way to read previously read tutorial messages perhaps?
13 Nov, '23
codeLupoOr, like, hold alt anywhere in the game, allowing to hover over keywords. (Initially I was primarily thinking Mind-tree)
17 Nov, '23
JeepersSeconded. It's a little confusing what's the difference between Intoxicate and Poison, what counts as an Affliction... etc.
03 Dec, '23
MasterBLBI can't tell how much I agree with that. I'm a fresh player, and there is too much guessing in the game.
21 Jan, '24
PhantomGorillaWould be very helpful for the Mind Tree where you cant hover over keywords to see their effect