More Innar Choice Variety
Innar is a cool mechanic, but only being able to sacrifice health and buy items/resources feels limiting.
I remember being able to spend Awareness on room clear bonus buffs in the demo and that'd be cool to see again. On the other side, being able to earn awareness by sacrificing something other than health (debuffs? tougher rooms? stability?) would be fun too.
Comments: 2
11 Jan, '24
B SI agree with this. It might be nice to also add more total number of choices in his list, more than five. Maybe even reveal an extra choice for the cost of one Awareness. I also think it would be great to be able to spend Awareness to force Innar to spawn in the room you're in. Maybe two Awareness to spawn him. There are plenty of runs where I have a lot of Awareness that I was saving in case he showed up and... he just doesn't. This would also encourage people to invest points in the Awareness generation nodes on the mind tree. At the moment I don't really care much about Awareness.
23 Mar, '24
XypherousGiven that Innar is supposed to be a reflection of the player's pysche / consciousness - perhaps he could also offer some powerful end-of-room buffs in exchange for awareness? You'd be trading a transient resource for another transient resource.
Otherwise, I could see lowering instability / maximum instability - would be a valuable ways to spend awareness - given that, after a while - the mission failure conditions stop becoming 'you die' and start becoming 'you get kicked out' or 'you run into a fight which you have no hope of beating without being buffed.'